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Initial commit of the AENET code.

Bruno Mundim [2017-01-02 17:48:39]
Initial commit of the AENET code.


			    Nongnuch Artrith

Table of Contents

1 What is *ænet*?
2 License
3 Installation
.. 3.1 Short installation summary
.. 3.2 Detailed installation instructions
..... 3.2.1 Compilation of external libraries that are distributed with *ænet*
..... 3.2.2 Build *ænet*

1 What is *ænet*?

  The Atomic Energy NETwork (*ænet*) package is a collection of tools
  for the construction and application of atomic interaction potentials
  based on artificial neural networks (ANN).  The *ænet* code allows the
  accurate interpolation of structural energies, e.g., from electronic
  structure calculations, using ANNs.  ANN potentials generated with
  *ænet* can then be used in larger scale atomistic simulations and in
  situations where extensive sampling is required, e.g., in molecular
  dynamics or Monte-Carlo simulations.

2 License

  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Nongnuch Artrith (

  *ænet* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of the [GNU General Public License] as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
  your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see [].

  [GNU General Public License]

3 Installation

3.1 Short installation summary

  1. Compile the L-BFGS-B library

     - Enter the directory "./lib"

       `$ cd ./lib'

     - Adjust the compiler settings in the "Makefile"

     - Compile the library with

       `$ make'
     The library file `liblbfgsb.a', required for compiling *ænet*, will
     be created.

  2. Compile the *ænet* package

     - Enter the directory "./src"

       `$ cd ./src'

     - Compile the ænet source code with

       `$ make -f makefiles/Makefile.XXX'

       where `Makefile.XXX' is an approproiate Makefile.

       To see a list of available Makefiles just type:

       `$ make'
     The following executables will be generated in "./bin":

     - `generate.x': generate training sets from atomic structure files
     - `train.x': train new neural network potentials
     - `predict.x': use existing ANN potentials for energy/force

3.2 Detailed installation instructions

  Except for a number of Python scripts, *ænet* is developed in Fortran
  95/2003.  Generally, the source code is tested with the free GNU
  Fortran compiler and the commercial Intel Fortran compiler, and the
  Makefile settings for these two compilers are provided.  While the
  *ænet* source code should be platform independent, we mainly target
  Linux and Unix clusters and *ænet* has not been tested on other
  operating systems.

  *ænet* requires three external libraries:

  1. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms),
  2. LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage),
  3. And the L-BFGS-B optimization routines by Nocedal et al.

  Usually, some implementation of BLAS and LAPACK comes with the
  operating system or the compiler.  If that is not the case, the
  libraries can be obtained from [].  `libblas.a' and
  `liblapack.a' have to be in the system library path in order to
  compile *ænet*.

  The L-BFGS-B routines, an implementation of the bounded limited-memory
  Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm, is distributed on the
  [homepage of the authors] (Nocedal et al.).  For the user's
  convenience we have decided to distribute the original L-BFGS-B files
  along with *ænet* package, so you do not have to actually download the
  library yourself.  However, each application of *ænet* should also
  acknowledge the use of the L-BFGS-B library by citing:

  R. H. Byrd, P. Lu and J. Nocedal, /SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp./ *16*
  (1995) 1190-1208.


  [homepage of the authors]

3.2.1 Compilation of external libraries that are distributed with *ænet*

  All external libraries needed by the ænet code are in the directory
  "./lib".  Currently, only one external library is distributed with
  *ænet*, the L-BFGS-B library (see above).

  To compile the external libraries

  1. Enter the directory "./lib"

     `$ cd ./lib'

  2. Adjust the compiler settings in the "Makefile"

     The Makefile contains settings for the GNU Fortran compiler
     (`gfortran') and the Intel Fortran compiler (`ifort').  Uncomment
     the section that is appropriate for your system.

  3. Compile the library with

     `$ make'

  The static library "liblbfgsb.a", required to build *ænet*, will be

3.2.2 Build *ænet*

  The *ænet* source code is located in "./src".

  1. Enter "./src"

     `$ cd ./src'

  2. To see a short explanation of the Makefiles that come with *ænet*,
     just run `make' without any options.

     `$ make'

     Select the Makefile that is appropriate for your computer.

  3. Compile with

     `$ make -f makefiles/Makefile.XXX'

     where `Makefile.XXX' is the selected Makefile.

  Three executables will be generated and stored in "./bin":

  - `generate.x': generate training sets from atomic structure files
  - `train.x': train new neural network potentials
  - `predict.x': use existing ANN potentials for energy/force prediction