Last commit for src/tests/test_sfsetup.f90: 5874abaa643d4472a2aa9d1c5dbe454dadbd8d1f

Initial commit of the AENET code.

Bruno Mundim [2017-01-02 17:48:39]
Initial commit of the AENET code.
!       Unit tests for the structural fingerprint setup module
!+ This file is part of the AENET package.
!+ Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Nongnuch Artrith and Alexander Urban
!+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!+ (at your option) any later version.
!+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
!+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!+ General Public License for more details.
!+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!+ along with this program.  If not, see <>.
! 2014-09-29 Alexander Urban (AU) and Nongnuch Artrith (NA)
program test_sfsetup

  use io,       only: io_unlink
  use unittest, only: tst_new, tst_check_passed, tst_assert_equal
  use sfsetup,  only: Setup,                 &
                     read_Setup_parameters, &
                     save_Setup,            &
                     save_Setup_ASCII,      &
                     load_Setup,            &
                     load_Setup_ASCII,      &

  implicit none

  call test_IO()


  subroutine test_IO()

    implicit none

    character(len=2), dimension(2), parameter :: global_types = ['H ', 'O ']

    type(Setup) :: stp1, stp2

    logical :: has_passed

    call tst_new("Structural Fingerprint Test 1: save and restore")
    has_passed = .true.

    call write_setup_params_Behler2011('TEST_SFSETUP')

    stp1 = read_Setup_parameters('TEST_SFSETUP', global_types)
    call save_Setup(stp1, file='TEST_SETUP_BINARY')
    call save_Setup_ASCII(stp1, file='TEST_SETUP_ASCII')

    stp2 = load_Setup(global_types, file='TEST_SETUP_BINARY')
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%description, stp2%description))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%atomtype, stp2%atomtype))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%nenv, stp2%nenv))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%envtypes, stp2%envtypes))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%Rc_min, stp2%Rc_min, prec=1.0d-3))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%Rc_max, stp2%Rc_max, prec=1.0d-3))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%sftype, stp2%sftype))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%nsf, stp2%nsf))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%nsfparam, stp2%nsfparam))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%sf, stp2%sf))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%sfparam, stp2%sfparam, prec=1.0d-6))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%sfenv, stp2%sfenv))
    if (.not. has_passed) write(*,*) 'Load from binary file differs.'
    call del_Setup(stp2)

    stp2 = load_Setup_ASCII(global_types, file='TEST_SETUP_ASCII')
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%description, stp2%description))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%atomtype, stp2%atomtype))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%nenv, stp2%nenv))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%envtypes, stp2%envtypes))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%Rc_min, stp2%Rc_min, prec=1.0d-3))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%Rc_max, stp2%Rc_max, prec=1.0d-3))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%sftype, stp2%sftype))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%nsf, stp2%nsf))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%nsfparam, stp2%nsfparam))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%sf, stp2%sf))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%sfparam, stp2%sfparam, prec=1.0d-6))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. tst_assert_equal(stp1%sfenv, stp2%sfenv))
    if (.not. has_passed) then
       write(*,*) 'Load from ASCII file differs. Compare "TEST_SETUP_ASCII2"'
       call save_Setup_ASCII(stp2, file="TEST_SETUP_ASCII2")
    end if
    call del_Setup(stp2)

    call del_Setup(stp1)
    call tst_check_passed(has_passed)

    if (has_passed) then
       call io_unlink('TEST_SFSETUP')
       call io_unlink('TEST_SETUP_BINARY')
       call io_unlink('TEST_SETUP_ASCII')
    end if

  end subroutine test_IO


  subroutine write_setup_params_Behler2011(file)

    implicit none

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: file
    integer, parameter :: u = 99

    open(u, file=trim(file), status='replace', action='write')

    write(u,'(A)') 'DESCR'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Symmetry function setup for Oxygen'
    write(u,'(A)') '(just for testing)'
    write(u,'(A)') 'END DESCR'
    write(u,'(A)') 'ATOM O'
    write(u,'(A)') 'ENV  2'
    write(u,'(A)') 'O'
    write(u,'(A)') 'H'
    write(u,'(A)') 'RMIN 0.75d0'
    write(u,'(A)') 'SYMMFUNC type=Behler2011'
    write(u,'(A)') '52'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=O   eta=0.003214  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=H   eta=0.003214  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=O   eta=0.035711  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=H   eta=0.035711  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=O   eta=0.071421  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=H   eta=0.071421  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=O   eta=0.124987  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=H   eta=0.124987  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=O   eta=0.214264  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=H   eta=0.214264  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=O   eta=0.357106  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=H   eta=0.357106  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=O   eta=0.714213  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=H   eta=0.714213  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=O   eta=1.428426  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=2 type2=H   eta=1.428426  Rs=0.0000  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.000357 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.000357 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.000357 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.028569 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.028569 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.028569 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.089277 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.089277 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.089277 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.000357 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.000357 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.000357 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.028569 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.028569 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.028569 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.089277 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.089277 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.089277 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 1.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.000357 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.000357 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.000357 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.028569 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.028569 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.028569 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.089277 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.089277 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.089277 lambda= -1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.000357 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.000357 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.000357 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.028569 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.028569 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.028569 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=O    eta=0.089277 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=O  type3=H    eta=0.089277 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'G=4 type2=H  type3=H    eta=0.089277 lambda=  1.0  zeta= 2.0  Rc=6.5000'


  end subroutine write_setup_params_Behler2011

end program test_sfsetup