Last commit for src/tests/test_geometry.f90: 5874abaa643d4472a2aa9d1c5dbe454dadbd8d1f

Initial commit of the AENET code.

Bruno Mundim [2017-01-02 17:48:39]
Initial commit of the AENET code.
!                Unit tests for the geometry module
!+ This file is part of the AENET package.
!+ Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Nongnuch Artrith and Alexander Urban
!+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!+ (at your option) any later version.
!+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
!+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!+ General Public License for more details.
!+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!+ along with this program.  If not, see <>.
! 2014-09-24 Alexander Urban (AU) and Nongnuch Artrith (NA)
program geotest

  use io,       only: io_unit, io_unlink
  use unittest,  only: tst_new, tst_check_passed

  use geometry, only: geo_init,       &
                      geo_final,      &
                      geo_print_info, &
                      nAtoms,         &
                      nTypes,         &
                      pbc,            &
                      hasForces,      &

  implicit none

  call test_isolated()
  call test_periodic()


  !------------------------ isolated structure ------------------------!

  subroutine test_isolated()

    implicit none

    logical :: has_passed

    call tst_new("Geometry Test 1 - XSF isolated structure")
    has_passed = .true.

    call write_test1('TEST1.xsf')
    call geo_init('TEST1.xsf', form='xsf')

    has_passed = (has_passed .and. (nAtoms == 21))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. (nTypes == 3))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. (.not. pbc))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. (hasForces))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. (hasEnergy))

    call tst_check_passed(has_passed)
    if (.not. has_passed) call geo_print_info(verbose=2)

    call geo_final()
    call io_unlink('TEST1.xsf')

  end subroutine test_isolated

  !------------------------ periodic structure ------------------------!

  subroutine test_periodic()

    implicit none

    logical :: has_passed

    call tst_new("Geometry Test 2 - XSF periodic structure")
    has_passed = .true.

    call write_test2('TEST2.xsf')
    call geo_init('TEST2.xsf', form='xsf')

    has_passed = (has_passed .and. (nAtoms == 24))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. (nTypes == 2))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. (pbc))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. (.not. hasForces))
    has_passed = (has_passed .and. (hasEnergy))

    call tst_check_passed(has_passed)
    if (.not. has_passed) call geo_print_info(verbose=2)

    call geo_final()
    call io_unlink('TEST2.xsf')

  end subroutine test_periodic


  subroutine write_test1(fname)

    implicit none

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
    integer :: u

    u = io_unit()

    open(u, file=trim(fname), status='replace', action='write')

    write(u,'(A)') '# total energy = -819543.67017695 eV'
    write(u,'(A)') 'ATOMS'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      0.00000000     0.00000000     6.00000283     0.90450300     0.49026800     0.41789800'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      1.28339961     2.22291304     6.00000283     0.58819200    -0.39665700     0.30838700'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      2.56679921     4.44582609     6.00000283     0.43939200    -0.36265900     0.73827500'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      2.56679921     0.00000000     6.00000283    -0.04917570     0.74709300     0.34151800'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      3.85019881     2.22291304     6.00000283    -0.26087400    -0.18366700    -0.04616380'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      5.13359842     4.44582609     6.00000283    -0.03463600    -0.12564200     0.45479300'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      5.13359841     0.00000000     6.00000283    -0.38312400     0.51523300     0.70528000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      6.41699802     2.22291304     6.00000283    -0.16177600     0.28501300     0.46754400'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      7.70039763     4.44582609     6.00000283    -0.48853100    -0.27462200     0.74704900'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      1.28339961     0.74097135     8.09578481     0.47004200     0.22508900    -0.75157500'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      2.56679921     2.96388439     8.09578481     0.07553830    -0.42643900    -0.60240400'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      3.85019882     5.18679743     8.09578481     0.02980850    -0.29619000    -0.98916000'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      3.85019881     0.74097135     8.09578481    -0.08197910     0.22486800    -0.46016200'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      5.13359842     2.96388439     8.09578481     0.36858900     0.05985530     0.15191600'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      6.41699803     5.18679743     8.09578481     0.16791500    -0.82856700    -0.23678600'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      6.41699802     0.74097135     8.09578481    -0.27475100     0.40082100    -0.60768200'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      7.70039763     2.96388439     8.09578481    -0.48023800     0.34366800    -0.45382900'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      8.98379723     5.18679743     8.09578481    -0.91356400    -0.50177400    -0.39263800'
    write(u,'(A)') 'O       5.90056206     3.92211093    10.85186772    -0.00156829     0.00139941    -0.00177746'
    write(u,'(A)') 'C       5.13359842     4.44582609    10.09578481     0.08246940     0.10459800     0.20628100'
    write(u,'(A)') 'O       4.10491663     5.15195854    10.08745039     0.00333637    -0.00192313     0.00050037'


  end subroutine write_test1


  subroutine write_test2(fname)

    implicit none

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
    integer :: u

    u = io_unit()

    open(u, file=trim(fname), status='replace', action='write')

    write(u,'(A)') '# total energy = -6970801.09717 eV'
    write(u,'(A)') 'CRYSTAL'
    write(u,'(A)') 'PRIMVEC'
    write(u,'(A)') '      5.72106227     0.00000000     0.00000000'
    write(u,'(A)') '      2.86052948     4.64245205     0.00000000'
    write(u,'(A)') '     -0.00000354     2.56332638    27.03158552'
    write(u,'(A)') 'PRIMCOORD'
    write(u,'(A)') '24 1'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      5.72106694     4.53500342     0.06603627'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      4.29082051     2.17312786    -0.02831821'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      1.43026748     2.17314610    -0.02829993'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      2.86054536     4.53498601     0.06610758'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      5.72107830     1.67120952     2.24031171'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      7.15122123     3.99010491     2.29593743'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      4.29090136     3.99011832     2.29595968'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      2.86052387     1.67131603     2.24054325'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      2.86052955     3.51987257     4.52540414'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      1.42989027     1.19908417     4.52635549'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      4.29116879     1.19908661     4.52635704'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      5.72106093     3.52111793     4.52699758'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      5.72105984     5.28096712     6.77803627'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      4.29042055     2.96017872     6.77898762'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      1.43063680     2.96018116     6.77898916'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      2.86052894     5.28221248     6.77962971'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      5.72105085     2.48817946     9.06464966'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      7.15119625     4.81175635     9.00898939'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      4.29088783     4.81179881     9.00903595'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      2.86050355     2.48828253     9.06487897'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      2.86050096     4.26689936    11.23882313'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      1.43023999     1.98625486    11.33324544'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Au      4.29075303     1.98626284    11.33328944'
    write(u,'(A)') 'Cu      5.72103165     4.26688112    11.23889146'


  end subroutine write_test2

end program geotest