Last commit for mpicommunication.c: 826fd4b5e0c6c98a6ff5f960afbfc81e235e4dbb

made macros and ternary operators better

Ramses van Zon [2018-03-27 22:49:55]
made macros and ternary operators better
#include "mpicommunication.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <ndmalloc.h>
#include "cells.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "estimates.h"

static double periodic(double u, double L)
    while (u < -0.5*L)
        u += L;
    while (u >= 0.5*L)
        u -= L;
    return u;

#define include13(x)            ((x)>=13)?(x)-1:(x)
#define skip13(x)               ((x)>=13)?(x)+1:(x)
#define SEND_CELL_TO(direction) do{int so=include13(direction);if(!sys->neighborsendblock[direction]){assert_lt(blockcount[so],maxsendcells);work->blockinit[so][blockcount[so]]=sys->start_of_cell[c];work->blocklens[so][blockcount[so]]=sys->n_in_cell[c];blockcount[so]++;}}while(false)

void detect_and_send_ghost_particles(atom_t* atoms, size_t bufmax,
                                     atom_t* recv_buffer_atoms[],
                                     MPI_Request* send_request,
                                     MPI_Request* recv_request,
                                     int* nisends,
                                     int* nirecvs,
                                     system_t* sys,
                                     parallel_work_t* work)
    /* build index lists */
    #ifndef NDEBUG
    int maxsendcells = max3(sys->nc[0]*sys->nc[1], sys->nc[0]*sys->nc[2], sys->nc[1]*sys->nc[2]);
    int blockcount[SENDNUM] = {0};
    assert(ndsize(work->blocklens,0) >= SENDNUM);
    assert(ndsize(work->blockinit,0) >= SENDNUM);
    assert(ndsize(work->blocklens,1) >= maxsendcells);
    assert(ndsize(work->blockinit,1) >= maxsendcells);
    assert(ndsize(recv_buffer_atoms,0) >= RECVNUM);
    assert(ndsize(recv_buffer_atoms,1) >= bufmax);
    for (int c = 0; c < sys->ncprod; ++c) {
        int cx = super_cell_index_2_cx(c, sys->minc, sys->nc);
        int cy = super_cell_index_2_cy(c, sys->minc, sys->nc);
        int cz = super_cell_index_2_cz(c, sys->minc, sys->nc);
        /* send corner cells: */
        if (cx == sys->minc[0] && cy == sys->minc[1] && cz == sys->minc[2])
        if (cx == sys->maxc[0] && cy == sys->minc[1] && cz == sys->minc[2])
        if (cx == sys->minc[0] && cy == sys->maxc[1] && cz == sys->minc[2])
        if (cx == sys->maxc[0] && cy == sys->maxc[1] && cz == sys->minc[2])
        if (cx == sys->minc[0] && cy == sys->minc[1] && cz == sys->maxc[2])
        if (cx == sys->maxc[0] && cy == sys->minc[1] && cz == sys->maxc[2])
        if (cx == sys->minc[0] && cy == sys->maxc[1] && cz == sys->maxc[2])
        if (cx == sys->maxc[0] && cy == sys->maxc[1] && cz == sys->maxc[2])
        /* send edge cells: */
        if (cy == sys->minc[1] && cz == sys->minc[2])
        if (cy == sys->maxc[1] && cz == sys->minc[2])
        if (cy == sys->minc[1] && cz == sys->maxc[2])
        if (cy == sys->maxc[1] && cz == sys->maxc[2])
        if(cx == sys->minc[0] && cz == sys->minc[2])
        if (cx == sys->maxc[0] && cz == sys->minc[2])
        if (cx == sys->minc[0] && cz == sys->maxc[2])
        if (cx == sys->maxc[0] && cz == sys->maxc[2])
        if (cx == sys->minc[0] && cy == sys->minc[1])
        if (cx == sys->maxc[0] && cy == sys->minc[1])
        if (cx == sys->minc[0] && cy == sys->maxc[1])
        if (cx == sys->maxc[0] && cy == sys->maxc[1])
        /* send face cells: */
        if (cx == sys->minc[0])
        if (cx == sys->maxc[0])
        if (cy == sys->minc[1])
        if (cy == sys->maxc[1])
        if (cz == sys->minc[2])
        if (cz == sys->maxc[2])
    /* use these to send using mpi_datatype */
    MPI_Datatype indexedsend[SENDNUM];
    *nisends = 0;
    for (int sendorder = 0; sendorder < SENDNUM; ++sendorder) {
        int target = skip13(sendorder);
        if (sys->neighborrank[target] != sys->rank && ! sys->neighborsendblock[target]) {
            #ifndef NDEBUG
            size_t nsend = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < blockcount[sendorder]; ++i)
               nsend += work->blocklens[sendorder][i];
            assert_le(nsend, bufmax);
            MPI_Type_indexed(blockcount[sendorder], work->blocklens[sendorder], work->blockinit[sendorder], MPI_ATOM, &(indexedsend[*nisends]));
            MPI_Isend(atoms, 1, indexedsend[*nisends], sys->neighborrank[target], sendorder, sys->comm, &(send_request[*nisends]));
            *nisends += 1;
        } else
            assert(blockcount[sendorder] == 0);
    /* also setup receives */
    *nirecvs = 0;
    for (int recvorder = 0; recvorder < RECVNUM; ++recvorder) {
        int source = skip13(RECVNUM-1-recvorder);
        if (sys->neighborrank[source] != sys->rank
            && ! sys->neighborsendblock[26-source] ) { /* receive 'source' is blocked if send '26-source' is blocked */
            MPI_Irecv(recv_buffer_atoms[*nirecvs], bufmax, MPI_ATOM, sys->neighborrank[source], MPI_ANY_TAG, sys->comm, &(recv_request[*nirecvs]));
            *nirecvs += 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < *nisends; ++i)

int wait_for_particles(int num_send_requests, MPI_Request* send_requests,
                       int num_recv_requests, MPI_Request* recv_requests,
                       atom_t* recv_buffer_atoms[], atom_t atoms_new[])
    MPI_Status  status[num_recv_requests+num_send_requests];
    MPI_Request all_requests[num_send_requests+num_recv_requests];
    for (int i = 0; i < num_recv_requests; ++i)
        all_requests[i] = recv_requests[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < num_send_requests; ++i)
        all_requests[num_recv_requests+i] = send_requests[i];
    MPI_Waitall(num_recv_requests+num_send_requests, all_requests, status);
    size_t count_new = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_recv_requests; ++i) {
        int count = 0;
        MPI_Get_count(&(status[i]), MPI_ATOM, &count);
        #ifndef NDEBUG
        size_t bufmax = ndsize(recv_buffer_atoms,1);
        assert_le(count, bufmax);
        for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
            atoms_new[count_new+j].index = recv_buffer_atoms[i][j].index;
            atoms_new[count_new+j].rx = recv_buffer_atoms[i][j].rx;
            atoms_new[count_new+j].ry = recv_buffer_atoms[i][j].ry;
            atoms_new[count_new+j].rz = recv_buffer_atoms[i][j].rz;
            atoms_new[count_new+j].px = recv_buffer_atoms[i][j].px;
            atoms_new[count_new+j].py = recv_buffer_atoms[i][j].py;
            atoms_new[count_new+j].pz = recv_buffer_atoms[i][j].pz;
            atoms_new[count_new+j].fx = recv_buffer_atoms[i][j].fx;
            atoms_new[count_new+j].fy = recv_buffer_atoms[i][j].fy;
            atoms_new[count_new+j].fz = recv_buffer_atoms[i][j].fz;
        count_new += count;
    return count_new;

void detect_and_send_exchange_particles(atom_t atoms[], size_t bufmax,
                                        atom_t* send_buffer_atoms[],
                                        atom_t* recv_buffer_atoms[],
                                        MPI_Request* send_requests,
                                        MPI_Request* recv_requests,
                                        int* nisends,
                                        int* nirecvs,
                                        system_t* sys)
    int bufcount[SENDNUM] = {0};
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < sys->N; ++i) {
        int ix = 0;
        int iy = 0;
        int iz = 0;
        if (sys->np[0] > 1) {
            if (atoms[i].rx < sys->origin[0])
                ix = -1;
            else if (atoms[i].rx >= sys->origin[0] + sys->localL[0])
                ix = +1;
        if (sys->np[1] > 1) {
            if (atoms[i].ry < sys->origin[1])
                iy = -1;
            else if (atoms[i].ry >= sys->origin[1] + sys->localL[1])
                iy = +1;
        if (sys->np[2] > 1) {
            if (atoms[i].rz < sys->origin[2])
                iz = -1;
            else if (atoms[i].rz >= sys->origin[2] + sys->localL[2])
                iz = +1;
        atoms[i].c = CENTER+ix+3*iy+9*iz; /* temporarily reuse c for new proc where to send */
        /* apply periodic boundary conditions: */
        atoms[i].rx = periodic(atoms[i].rx, sys->L);
        atoms[i].ry = periodic(atoms[i].ry, sys->L);
        atoms[i].rz = periodic(atoms[i].rz, sys->L);
    /* take out atoms */
    for (int i = 0; i < sys->N; ++i)
        while (atoms[i].c != CENTER && i < sys->N) {
            int sendorder = include13(atoms[i].c);
            send_buffer_atoms[sendorder][bufcount[sendorder]] = atoms[i];
            atoms[i] = atoms[sys->N-1];
            sys->N --;
    #ifndef NDEBUG
    for (int c = 0; c < SENDNUM; ++c)  {
        int thisbufcount = bufcount[include13(c)];
        assert_lt(thisbufcount, bufmax);
    /* setup sends */
    *nisends = 0;
    for (int sendorder = 0; sendorder < SENDNUM; ++sendorder) {
        int target = skip13(sendorder);
        if (sys->neighborrank[target] != sys->rank) {
            MPI_Isend(&(send_buffer_atoms[sendorder][0]), bufcount[sendorder], MPI_ATOM, sys->neighborrank[target], sendorder, sys->comm, &(send_requests[*nisends]));
            *nisends += 1;
        } else {
            /* omit sends to self */
            assert(bufcount[sendorder] == 0); /* check that the program wasn't going to send anything anyway. */
    /* also setup receives */
    *nirecvs = 0;
    for (int recvorder = 0; recvorder < RECVNUM; ++recvorder) {
        int source = skip13(RECVNUM-1-recvorder);
        if (sys->neighborrank[source] != sys->rank) {
            MPI_Irecv(recv_buffer_atoms[*nirecvs], bufmax, MPI_ATOM, sys->neighborrank[source], MPI_ANY_TAG, sys->comm, &(recv_requests[*nirecvs]));
            *nirecvs += 1;
        } else {
            /* omit recv from self */
            send_requests[recvorder] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;

void exchangeParticles(atom_t atoms[], system_t* sys, parallel_work_t* work)
    MPI_Request  send_requests[SENDNUM];
    MPI_Request  recv_requests[RECVNUM];
    int          nisends = 0;
    int          nirecvs = 0;
    int bufmax = estimateMaxNCrossThroughFace(sys->rho, sys->localL, sys->T0, sys->dt, 0.5*rcp);
    assert(ndsize(work->send_buffer_atoms,0) >= SENDNUM);
    assert(ndsize(work->send_buffer_atoms,1) >= bufmax);
    assert(ndsize(work->recv_buffer_atoms,0) >= RECVNUM);
    assert(ndsize(work->recv_buffer_atoms,1) >= bufmax);
    detect_and_send_exchange_particles(atoms, bufmax,
                                       work->send_buffer_atoms, work->recv_buffer_atoms,
                                       send_requests, recv_requests,
                                       &nisends, &nirecvs, sys);
    size_t exchange_count = wait_for_particles(nisends, send_requests,
                                               nirecvs, recv_requests,
                                               work->recv_buffer_atoms, atoms + sys->N);
    sys->N += exchange_count;

/* integration and measurement */
void distribute(system_t* sys)
    /* divide processors first */
    int npmax = (int)(sys->L/rc);
    float FnpUse = 0;
    float z = 1.0f/(npmax*npmax+npmax*npmax+npmax*npmax);
    /* brute force way of getting the most uniform 3d distribution for
       processor topology */
    for (int iz = 1; iz <= npmax; ++iz) {
        for (int iy = 1; iy <= npmax; ++iy) {
            for (int ix = 1; ix <= npmax; ++ix) {
                float tryFnpUse = ix*iy*iz
                if (tryFnpUse <= sys->nprocs && tryFnpUse > FnpUse) {
                    FnpUse = tryFnpUse;
                    sys->np[0] = ix;
                    sys->np[1] = iy;
                    sys->np[2] = iz;
    /* sanity check */
    if (sys->np[0]*sys->np[1]*sys->np[2] != sys->nprocs) {
        if (i_am_root) {
            fprintf(stderr, "\nPARDY PARALLEL CONSISTENCY ERROR: Cannot use %d processors or each domain would be smaller than the interaction range (%d processors would work).\n\nPARDY PARALLEL PARAMETER ERROR: Reduce the number of processors!\n\n", sys->nprocs, sys->np[0]*sys->np[1]*sys->np[2]);
        MPI_Abort(sys->comm, 6);
    /* make a new communicator with the right topology */
    int periods[DIM] = {1,1,1};
    MPI_Comm newcomm;
    MPI_Cart_create(sys->comm, DIM, sys->np, periods, true, &newcomm);
    /* reestablish rank */
    sys->comm = newcomm;
    MPI_Comm_rank(sys->comm, &(sys->rank));
    if (sys->rank != global_rank)
        printf("# Warning: In create_cart, rank was changed from %d to %d\n",
               global_rank, sys->rank);
    if (i_am_root)
        printf("# (npx npy npz) = (%d %d %d)\n", sys->np[0], sys->np[1], sys->np[2]);
    /* determine neighboring domains */
    int me[DIM];
    MPI_Cart_coords(sys->comm, sys->rank, DIM, me);
    for (int d = 0; d < DIM; ++d) {
        sys->localL[d]   = sys->L/sys->np[d];
        sys->origin[d]   = -0.5*sys->L + me[d]*sys->localL[d];
        if (sys->usecells)
            sys->nc[d] = (int)(sys->localL[d]/rc);
            sys->nc[d] = 1;
        sys->totnc[d]    = sys->nc[d] * sys->np[d];
        sys->minc[d]     = me[d] * sys->nc[d];
        sys->maxc[d]     = sys->minc[d] + sys->nc[d] - 1;
        sys->cellsize[d] = sys->localL[d]/sys->nc[d];
    for (int ix = -1; ix <= 1; ++ix)
        for (int iy = -1; iy <= 1; ++iy)
            for (int iz = -1; iz <= 1; ++iz) {
                bool block = false;
                if (sys->np[0] == 1 && ix != 0)
                    block = true;
                if (sys->np[1] == 1 && iy != 0)
                    block = true;
                if (sys->np[2] == 1 && iz != 0)
                    block = true;
                if (sys->np[0] == 2 && sys->nc[0] == 1 && ix < 0)
                    block = true;
                if (sys->np[1] == 2 && sys->nc[1] == 1 && iy < 0)
                    block = true;
                if (sys->np[2] == 2 && sys->nc[2] == 1 && iz < 0)
                    block = true;
                sys->neighborsendblock[CENTER+ix+3*iy+9*iz] = block;
    sys->neighborsendblock[CENTER] = true;
    sys->ncprod = sys->nc[0] * sys->nc[1] * sys->nc[2];
    sys->start_of_cell = ndmalloc(sizeof(sys->start_of_cell[0]), 1, sys->ncprod);
    sys->n_in_cell     = ndmalloc(sizeof(sys->n_in_cell[0]), 1, sys->ncprod);
    if (i_am_root)
        printf("# (ncx ncy ncz) = (%d %d %d)\n", sys->totnc[0], sys->totnc[1], sys->totnc[2]);