Last commit for doc/input-files/ 5874abaa643d4472a2aa9d1c5dbe454dadbd8d1f

Initial commit of the AENET code.

Bruno Mundim [2017-01-02 17:48:39]
Initial commit of the AENET code.
#+AUTHOR: Nongnuch Artrith
#+TITLE: Input file format for =train.x=

* Alphabetic list of keywords

  All keywords are case insensitive and independent of the order.  Blank
  lines and lines starting with =!=, =#=, or =%= are ignored.

  - =debug= (optional) :: Activate debugging mode; additional output files
       will be created.
  - =iterations= (optional) :: Specifies the number of training
       iterations/epochs (default: 10).
  - =maxenergy= (optional) :: Highest formation energy to include in the
       training set.
  - =method= (optional) :: Specifies the training method/algorithm to be
       used for the weight optimization.  The line following the keyword
       contains as first item the name of the method (e.g., =bfgs=,
       =online_gd=, =lm=) and as further items the parameters of the
       method (if applicable).  The default method is =bfgs=.
  - =networks= (required) :: Defines the architectures and specifies
       files for all ANNs.  Each of the =<NT>= (= number of types) lines
       following the keyword contains the chemical symbol =<T_i>= of the
       /i/-th atomic species in the training set, the path to the ANN
       output file (binary), and the architecture of the hidden network
       layers.  The latter is defined by the number of hidden layers
       followed by the number of nodes and the activation function
       separated by a colon (see example below for two hidden layers of
       5 nodes each and the hyperbolic tangent activation).
  - =save_energies= (optional) :: Activate output of the final energies
       of all training and testing structures.  The resulting output
       files can be used to visualize the quality of the ANN fit and to
       identify structures that are not well represented.  One file per
       process will be generated, containing only the energies of all
       structures handled by the process.  The files can simply be
  - =testpercent= (optional) :: Specifies the percentage of reference
       structures to be used as independent testing set (default: 10%).
  - =timing= (optional) :: Activate timing; additional output files will
       be created.
  - =trainingset= (required) :: Defines the name/path to the binary
       training set file (output of generate.x, e.g., "refdata.train").

* Training methods

  The training method is specified with the *method* keyword followed by
  the identifier of the method and its parameters.  Currently, =train.x=
  offers three different optimization methods: online gradient descent,
  the limited-memory BFGS algorithm and the Levenberg-Marquardt method.

** Online gradient descent (=online_gd=)

   Gradient descent is implemented as /online/ learning method which
   currently prevents efficient parallelization.  The method is selected
   with the identifier =online_gd= and has two parameters, the /learning
   rate/ (=gamma=) that is a measure of the stepsize per iteration, and
   the /momentum parameter/ (=alpha=) that controls fluctuations.

   An example definition with reasonable parameters is:

  online_gd gamma=3.0d-2 alpha=0.05d0

** Limited-Memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) method

   The L-BFGS method is implemented as /batch/ training method, which
   enables efficient parallelization of the error function evaluation.
   The method is selected with the identifier =bfgs= and does not
   currently offer any adjustable parameters:


** Levenberg-Marquardt method

   The Levenberg-Marquardt method that is presently only available in
   serial is selected with the identifier =lm=.  The method supports a
   number of parameters: =batchsize= sets the number of training points
   that are used to evaluate the error function at a time.  This /batch
   size/ determines the computational requirements of the method, but
   should be chosen as large as possible to guarantee convergence.  The
   =learnrate= is the initial value of the learning rate (see online
   gradient descent).  The parameter =iter= determines the number of
   iterations per optimization step used to adjust the learning rate,
   and the factor used for this adjustment is defined with =adjust=.
   Finally, a convergence threshold for the error function can be
   specified with =conv=.

   Example of reasonable parameters

  lm batchsize=5000 learnrate=0.1d0 iter=3 conv=0.001 adjust=5.0

* Input file template (

TRAININGSET <path/to/data/file>
TESTPERCENT <percentage>
MAXENERGY <emax e.g. -0.05 eV>

<method name>  <parameters>

# Examples
# (1) online steepest descent
# online_gd gamma=5.0d-7 alpha=0.25d0
# (2) BFGS
# bfgs
# (3) Levenberg-Marquardt
# lm batchsize=1000 learnrate=0.1 iter=1 conv=0.001 adjust=10.0

# atom   network           hidden
# types  file-name         layers   nodes:activation
<T_1>    <path/to/net-1>     2      5:tanh  5:tanh
<T_2>    <path/to/net-2>     2      5:tanh  5:tanh
<T_NT>   <path/to/net-NT>    2      5:tanh  5:tanh

# Example using different activation functions:
# For details see Eq. (1) in:
# N. Artrith and A. Urban, Comput. Mater. Sci. 114 (2016) 135-150.
# <T_1>    <path/to/net-1>     2      5:linear  5:linear
# <T_2>    <path/to/net-2>     2      5:linear  5:linear

# <T_1>    <path/to/net-1>     2      5:tanh    5:tanh
# <T_2>    <path/to/net-2>     2      5:tanh    5:tanh

# <T_1>    <path/to/net-1>     2      5:sigmoid 5:sigmoid
# <T_2>    <path/to/net-2>     2      5:twist   5:twist

* Example input file (



lm batchsize=5000 learnrate=0.1d0 iter=3 conv=0.001 adjust=5.0

! atom   network        hidden
! types  file-name      layers  nodes:activation
  O       O.10t-10t.ann    2    10:twist 10:twist
  Ti     Ti.10t-10t.ann    2    10:twist 10:twist