Last commit for doc/aenet-doc.txt: 5874abaa643d4472a2aa9d1c5dbe454dadbd8d1f

Initial commit of the AENET code.

Bruno Mundim [2017-01-02 17:48:39]
Initial commit of the AENET code.


			    Nongnuch Artrith

Table of Contents

1 What is *ænet*?
2 License
3 Installation
.. 3.1 Short installation summary
.. 3.2 Detailed installation instructions
..... 3.2.1 Compilation of external libraries that are distributed with *ænet*
..... 3.2.2 Build *ænet*
4 General concepts
5 References
6 ANN potential construction
.. 6.1 Structural energy reference data
..... 6.1.1 Example *ænet* XSF file of an isolated structure
..... 6.1.2 Example *ænet* XSF file of a periodic structure
.. 6.2 Invariant basis (structural fingerprint)
..... 6.2.1 List of keywords
..... 6.2.2 Input file template (atomtype.stp)
..... 6.2.3 Input file example (Ti.fingerprint.stp)
.. 6.3 Training set generation with `generate.x'
..... 6.3.1 Alphabetic list of keywords
..... 6.3.2 Input file template (
..... 6.3.3 Input file example ( for TiO_{2}
.. 6.4 ANN potential training with `train.x'
..... 6.4.1 Alphabetic list of keywords
..... 6.4.2 Training methods
..... 6.4.3 Input file template (
..... 6.4.4 Example input file (
7 Using ANN potentials for atomistic simulations
.. 7.1 Prediction of structural energies and atomic forces with `predict.x'
..... 7.1.1 Alphabetic list of keywords
..... 7.1.2 Input file template (
..... 7.1.3 Input file example ( for TiO_{2}
.. 7.2 ASE Interface: `' and `'
..... 7.2.1 Alphabetic list of keywords
..... 7.2.2 Input file template (input.json)
..... 7.2.3 Input file example (input.json)
8 Acknowledgment
9 Questions?
10 Bibliography

1 What is *ænet*?

  The Atomic Energy NETwork (*ænet*) package is a collection of tools
  for the construction and application of atomic interaction potentials
  based on artificial neural networks (ANN).  The *ænet* code allows the
  accurate interpolation of structural energies, e.g., from electronic
  structure calculations, using ANNs.  ANN potentials generated with
  *ænet* can then be used in larger scale atomistic simulations and in
  situations where extensive sampling is required, e.g., in molecular
  dynamics or Monte-Carlo simulations.

2 License

  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Nongnuch Artrith (

  *ænet* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of the [GNU General Public License] as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
  your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see [].

  [GNU General Public License]

3 Installation

3.1 Short installation summary

  1. Compile the L-BFGS-B library

     - Enter the directory "./lib"

       `$ cd ./lib'

     - Adjust the compiler settings in the "Makefile"

     - Compile the library with

       `$ make'
     The library file `liblbfgsb.a', required for compiling *ænet*, will
     be created.

  2. Compile the *ænet* package

     - Enter the directory "./src"

       `$ cd ./src'

     - Compile the ænet source code with

       `$ make -f makefiles/Makefile.XXX'

       where `Makefile.XXX' is an approproiate Makefile.

       To see a list of available Makefiles just type:

       `$ make'
     The following executables will be generated in "./bin":

     - `generate.x': generate training sets from atomic structure files
     - `train.x': train new neural network potentials
     - `predict.x': use existing ANN potentials for energy/force

3.2 Detailed installation instructions

  Except for a number of Python scripts, *ænet* is developed in Fortran
  95/2003.  Generally, the source code is tested with the free GNU
  Fortran compiler and the commercial Intel Fortran compiler, and the
  Makefile settings for these two compilers are provided.  While the
  *ænet* source code should be platform independent, we mainly target
  Linux and Unix clusters and *ænet* has not been tested on other
  operating systems.

  *ænet* requires three external libraries:

  1. BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms),
  2. LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage),
  3. And the L-BFGS-B optimization routines by Nocedal et al.

  Usually, some implementation of BLAS and LAPACK comes with the
  operating system or the compiler.  If that is not the case, the
  libraries can be obtained from [].  `libblas.a' and
  `liblapack.a' have to be in the system library path in order to
  compile *ænet*.

  The L-BFGS-B routines, an implementation of the bounded limited-memory
  Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm, is distributed on the
  [homepage of the authors] (Nocedal et al.).  For the user's
  convenience we have decided to distribute the original L-BFGS-B files
  along with *ænet* package, so you do not have to actually download the
  library yourself.  However, each application of *ænet* should also
  acknowledge the use of the L-BFGS-B library by citing:

  R. H. Byrd, P. Lu and J. Nocedal, /SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp./ *16*
  (1995) 1190-1208.


  [homepage of the authors]

3.2.1 Compilation of external libraries that are distributed with *ænet*

  All external libraries needed by the ænet code are in the directory
  "./lib".  Currently, only one external library is distributed with
  *ænet*, the L-BFGS-B library (see above).

  To compile the external libraries

  1. Enter the directory "./lib"

     `$ cd ./lib'

  2. Adjust the compiler settings in the "Makefile"

     The Makefile contains settings for the GNU Fortran compiler
     (`gfortran') and the Intel Fortran compiler (`ifort').  Uncomment
     the section that is appropriate for your system.

  3. Compile the library with

     `$ make'

  The static library "liblbfgsb.a", required to build *ænet*, will be

3.2.2 Build *ænet*

  The *ænet* source code is located in "./src".

  1. Enter "./src"

     `$ cd ./src'

  2. To see a short explanation of the Makefiles that come with *ænet*,
     just run `make' without any options.

     `$ make'

     Select the Makefile that is appropriate for your computer.

  3. Compile with

     `$ make -f makefiles/Makefile.XXX'

     where `Makefile.XXX' is the selected Makefile.

  Three executables will be generated and stored in "./bin":

  - `generate.x': generate training sets from atomic structure files
  - `train.x': train new neural network potentials
  - `predict.x': use existing ANN potentials for energy/force prediction

4 General concepts

  *ænet* provides tools for the construction and application of
  artificial neural network (ANN) potentials.  Users who just want to
  use *ænet* for simulations based on existing ANN potentials can safely
  skip over section 6 that explains the construction of ANN potentials
  directly to section 7.

  Potential construction using *ænet* is broken down into two separate
  tasks: (i) the compilation of reference structures and energies into a
  single training set file using the tool `generate.x' and (ii) the
  actual fit of the ANN potentials using the tool `train.x'.  The usage
  of these tools is described in section 6.

  Simulations based on existing ANN potentials is enabled by the
  `ænetLib' library.  `ænetLib' provides routines for parsing ANN
  potential files and for energy and force evaluation.  Part of the
  *ænet* package are sample implementations in Fortran and Python that
  interface with `ænetLib'.  These tools are discussed in section 7.

  A schematic of the interplay of the different *ænet* tools is shown in
  figure 1 (taken from reference [1]).


  The *ænet* tools `generate.x', `train.x', and `predict.x' are
  controlled via keyword-based input files.  The keywords understood by
  each of the tools are discussed in their corresponding section; the
  order in which keywords appear in the input files is arbitrary.
  Keywords are not case sensitive.

5 References

  Every scientific publication containing results that were produced
  with *ænet* should cite the appropriate original references.

  The reference for the *ænet* package itself is: [1] N. Artrith and
  A. Urban, /Comput. Mater. Sci./ *114* (2016) 135-150.

  The interpolation of /atomic/ energies with ANNs was first published
  in: [2] J. Behler and M. Parrinello, /Phys. Rev. Lett./ *98* (2007)

  If the local structural environment is represented by /symmetry
  functions/, please cite: [3] J. Behler, /J. Chem. Phys./ *134* (2011)

  If the generalized spherical harmonics are used for the representation
  of the local structural environment, please cite: [4] A. P. Bartók,
  M. C. Payne, R. Kondor, and G. Csányi, /Phys. Rev. Lett./ *104* (2010)

  The L-BFGS-B method is provided by a third party library.  Whenever
  the method is used for training, please cite: [5] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu
  and J. Nocedal, /SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp./ *16* (1995) 1190-1208.

  The references for the Levenberg-Marquardt method are: [6]
  K. Levenberg, /Q. Appl. Math./ *2* (1944) 164–168; [7]
  D. W. Marquardt, /SIAM J. Appl. Math./ *11* (1963) 431–441.

6 ANN potential construction

  The construction of a new ANN potential is accomplished by
  interpolation of structural energies in a reference data set.  The
  structure format used by *ænet* is explained in section 6.1.

  To be useful for general atomistic simulations, ANN potentials have to
  be invariant with respect to rotation/translation of the structure and
  exchange of equivalent atoms.  Hence, the atomic coordinates have to
  be represented in a basis that fulfills these conditions.  The
  specification of basis setups (/structural fingerprint/ setups) is
  topic of section 6.2.

  The transformation from Cartesian coordinates to invariant coordinates
  is the purpose of the tool `generate.x', which iterates through a list
  of reference structures and transforms each structure's coordinates
  using the method specified in the input file.  The input file format
  for `generate.x' is discussed in section 6.3.

  Finally, `train.x' implements different optimization algorithms that
  can be used for the training of ANN potentials.  See section 6.4 for
  the usage of `train.x' and its input file format.

6.1 Structural energy reference data

  The atomic structure format used by *ænet* for this purpose is a
  subset of the /XCrySDen Structure Format/ (XSF) defined on the
  [XCrySDen homepage].  Only the atomic positions of single isolated and
  periodic structures are parsed by *ænet*, i.e., *ænet* does neither
  support animated XSF files (trajectories) nor scalar fields
  (volumetric data).  Additionally, *ænet* expects atomic symbols as
  type specifier, atomic numbers are currently not supported.  The
  structural energy is included in the XSF file as a comment of the form
  `# total energy = XXX', where `XXX' is the energy value.  This has the
  advantage that the resulting file is still a valid XSF file and can be
  visualized with XCrySDen and various other visualization programs,
  such as [VMD] and [VESTA].

  [XCrySDen homepage]



6.1.1 Example *ænet* XSF file of an isolated structure

  The following is an example XSF file of an isolated (non-periodic)
  structure.  Each line following the keyword `ATOMS' contains the
  atomic symbol, the three Cartesian coordinates, and the three
  components of the Cartesian force vector.  In principle, any unit
  system may be used, but the length, energy, and force units have to be
  consistent.  The example below uses Å, eV, and eV/Å.

  Note that it is advisable to work with a greater number of decimals
  for the coordinates and atomic forces than used in the example to
  avoid loss of accuracy.

  | # total energy = -19543.67017695 eV
  | O   5.900  3.922  0.851 -0.001  0.001 -0.001
  | C   5.133  4.445  0.095  0.082  0.104  0.206
  | O   4.104  5.151  0.087  0.003 -0.001  0.000

6.1.2 Example *ænet* XSF file of a periodic structure

  The following is an example of an XSF file of a periodic structure.
  The `PRIMVEC' block contains the lattice vectors in rows.  For
  periodic structures, the number of atoms in the simulation cell has to
  be specified on the line following the keyword `PRIMCOORD' (the
  example is for 6 atoms).  Note that the number 1 following the atom
  count is not relevant for *ænet*.  The same comments as for the
  isolated structure example above apply.

  | # total energy = -4990.44928342 eV
  |    2.967  0.000  0.000
  |    0.000  4.648  0.000
  |    0.000 -0.000  4.648
  | 6 1
  | Ti 1.483  2.324  2.324  0.000  0.000  0.000
  | Ti 0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000
  | O  1.483  0.905  0.905  0.000 -0.004 -0.004
  | O  1.483  3.742  3.742  0.000  0.004  0.004
  | O  0.000  1.418  3.230  0.000  0.004 -0.004
  | O  0.000  3.230  1.418  0.000 -0.004  0.004

6.2 Invariant basis (structural fingerprint)

  Currently, *ænet* implements the invariant /symmetry function/ basis
  by Behler and Parrinello [2,3] but the code is designed such that
  implementing further methods is straightforward.

6.2.1 List of keywords

  All keywords are case insensitive, but currently have to occur in the
  given order.  Blank lines and lines starting with `!', `#', or `%' are

  `descr' (optional): Short text that describes the structural fingerprint
                      setup and possible reference citations.  Has to be
                      terminated by "end descr".
  `atom' (required): The chemical species (symbol) of the central atom
                     whose environment is captured by the setup.
  `env' (required): A list of all atomic species that may occur in the
                    environment of the central atom and are captured by
                    this setup.  No blank lines are allowed.
  `rmin' (required): The minimal allowed distance between two atoms (in
                     the distance unit used in the XSF files).  This value
                     is used by the neighbor list.
  `functions' (required): Type and parameters of the basis functions.  The
                          example below is for functions of type
                          'Behler2011', and the names of the various
                          functions and parameters follows the original
                          publication. No blank lines allowed.

6.2.2 Input file template (atomtype.stp)

  |   short desscription and reference
  | ATOM <atom type>
  | ENV  <N>
  | <T_1>
  | <T_2>
  | ...
  | <T_N>
  | RMIN <R>
  | FUNCTIONS type=<basis type>
  | <NF>
  | <parameters of function 1>
  | <parameters of function 2>
  | ...
  | <parameters of function NF>

6.2.3 Input file example (Ti.fingerprint.stp)

  |   Structural fingerprint setup for Ti in bulk TiO2.
  |   Ref.: N. Artrith and A. Urban,
  |         Comput. Mater. Sci. 114 (2016) 135-150.
  | ATOM Ti
  | ENV  2
  | Ti
  | O
  | RMIN 0.75d0
  | FUNCTIONS type=Behler2011
  | 70
  | G=2 type2=O  eta=0.003214 Rs=0.0000 Rc=6.5
  | G=2 type2=Ti eta=0.003214 Rs=0.0000 Rc=6.5
  | ...
  | G=4 type2=O type3=O  eta=0.000357 lambda=-1.0 zeta=1.0 Rc=6.5
  | G=4 type2=O type3=Ti eta=0.000357 lambda=-1.0 zeta=1.0 Rc=6.5
  | ...

6.3 Training set generation with `generate.x'

  Provided a principle input file and all required structural
  fingerprint setups, `generate.x' is run on the command line simply

  `$ generate.x > generate.out'

  where `' is the principal input file, and the output will
  be written to `generate.out'.  The code will generate a training set
  file that can be used for the training of ANN potentials.

  The format and keywords of the principal input file are described in
  the following.

6.3.1 Alphabetic list of keywords

  All keywords are case insensitive and independent of the order.  Blank
  lines and lines starting with `!', `#', or `%' are ignored.

  `debug' (optional): Activate debugging mode; additional output will be
  `files' (required): Specifies number of and path to reference structures
                      in the *ænet* XSF format.  The first line following
                      the keyword contains the number `<NF>' of structure
                      files.  Each of the `<NF>' following lines contains
                      a file system path.
  `output' (optional): Defines the path to the training set file that is
                       going to be generated.  The default name is
                       "refdata.train".  Note that the training set file
                       is in a binary format and cannot be viewed by a
                       text editor.  Depending on the number of reference
                       structures, the file can become very large (e.g., 1
  `setups' (required): Specifies paths to structural fingerprint basis
                       function setup files.  Each of the `<NT>' lines
                       following the keyword contains the chemical symbol
                       `<T_i>' and the path to the setup file for one
  `timing' (optional): Activate timing; additional output files will be
  `types' (required): Defines the number of atomic species, their names,
                      and atomic energies.  The first line after the
                      keyword contains the number of different species
                      `<NT>'; the following `<NT>' lines each contain the
                      chemical symbol `<T_i>' and atomic energy
                      `<E_atom-i>' of one species.

6.3.2 Input file template (

  | OUTPUT  <path/to/output/file>
  | <NT>
  | <T_1>   <E_atom-1>
  | <T_2>   <E_atom-2>
  | ...
  | <T_NT>  <E_atom-NT>
  | <T_1>   <path/to/setup-1>
  | <T_2>   <path/to/setup-2>
  | ...
  | <T_NT>  <path/to/setup-NT>
  | <NF>
  | <path/to/file-1.xsf>
  | <path/to/file-2.xsf>
  | ...
  | <path/to/file-NF.xsf>

6.3.3 Input file example ( for TiO_{2}

  | OUTPUT  TiO2.train
  | 2
  | O   -432.503149303  ! eV
  | Ti -1604.604515075  ! eV
  | O   O.fingerprint.stp
  | Ti Ti.fingerprint.stp
  | 7815
  | ./structures/0001.xsf
  | ./structures/0002.xsf
  | ...
  | ./structures/7815.xsf

6.4 ANN potential training with `train.x'

  ANN potential training with `train.x' requires a training set file
  compiled by `generate.x' (section 6.3).  A number of optimization
  methods are implemented by `train.x'.  Apart from the algorithmic
  differences, the methods differ in their support for parallelization
  and follow different learning strategies (/batch/ versus /online/).
  For a comparison of the different training methods see the *ænet*
  implementation reference [1].

  `train.x' expects a principal input file (named "" in the
  example below).  The tool is run from the command line with:

  `$ train.x > train.out'

  where the output is written to the file `train.out'.

  The format and keywords of the principal input file are described in
  the following.

6.4.1 Alphabetic list of keywords

  All keywords are case insensitive and independent of the order.  Blank
  lines and lines starting with `!', `#', or `%' are ignored.

  `debug' (optional): Activate debugging mode; additional output files
                      will be created.
  `iterations' (optional): Specifies the number of training
                           iterations/epochs (default: 10).
  `maxenergy' (optional): Highest formation energy to include in the
                          training set.
  `method' (optional): Specifies the training method/algorithm to be used
                       for the weight optimization.  The line following
                       the keyword contains as first item the name of the
                       method (e.g., `bfgs', `online_gd', `lm') and as
                       further items the parameters of the method (if
                       applicable).  The default method is `bfgs'.
  `networks' (required): Defines the architectures and specifies files for
                         all ANNs.  Each of the `<NT>' (= number of types)
                         lines following the keyword contains the chemical
                         symbol `<T_i>' of the /i/-th atomic species in
                         the training set, the path to the ANN output file
                         (binary), and the architecture of the hidden
                         network layers.  The latter is defined by the
                         number of hidden layers followed by the number of
                         nodes and the activation function separated by a
                         colon (see example below for two hidden layers of
                         5 nodes each and the hyperbolic tangent
  `save_energies' (optional): Activate output of the final energies of all
                              training and testing structures.  The
                              resulting output files can be used to
                              visualize the quality of the ANN fit and to
                              identify structures that are not well
                              represented.  One file per process will be
                              generated, containing only the energies of
                              all structures handled by the process.  The
                              files can simply be concatenated.
  `testpercent' (optional): Specifies the percentage of reference
                            structures to be used as independent testing
                            set (default: 10%).
  `timing' (optional): Activate timing; additional output files will be
  `trainingset' (required): Defines the name/path to the binary training
                            set file (output of generate.x, e.g.,

6.4.2 Training methods

  The training method is specified with the *method* keyword followed by
  the identifier of the method and its parameters.  Currently, `train.x'
  offers three different optimization methods: online gradient descent,
  the limited-memory BFGS algorithm and the Levenberg-Marquardt method.

* Online gradient descent (`online_gd')

  Gradient descent is implemented as /online/ learning method which
  currently prevents efficient parallelization.  The method is selected
  with the identifier `online_gd' and has two parameters, the /learning
  rate/ (`gamma') that is a measure of the stepsize per iteration, and
  the /momentum parameter/ (`alpha') that controls fluctuations.

  An example definition with reasonable parameters is:

  | online_gd gamma=3.0d-2 alpha=0.05d0

* Limited-Memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) method

  The L-BFGS method is implemented as /batch/ training method, which
  enables efficient parallelization of the error function evaluation.
  The method is selected with the identifier `bfgs' and does not
  currently offer any adjustable parameters:

  | bfgs

* Levenberg-Marquardt method

  The Levenberg-Marquardt method that is presently only available in
  serial is selected with the identifier `lm'.  The method supports a
  number of parameters: `batchsize' sets the number of training points
  that are used to evaluate the error function at a time.  This /batch
  size/ determines the computational requirements of the method, but
  should be chosen as large as possible to guarantee convergence.  The
  `learnrate' is the initial value of the learning rate (see online
  gradient descent).  The parameter `iter' determines the number of
  iterations per optimization step used to adjust the learning rate, and
  the factor used for this adjustment is defined with `adjust'.
  Finally, a convergence threshold for the error function can be
  specified with `conv'.

  Example of reasonable parameters

  | lm batchsize=5000 learnrate=0.1d0 iter=3 conv=0.001 adjust=5.0

6.4.3 Input file template (

  | TRAININGSET <path/to/data/file>
  | TESTPERCENT <percentage>
  | MAXENERGY <emax e.g. -0.05 eV>
  | <method name>  <parameters>
  | # Examples
  | #
  | # (1) online steepest descent
  | # METHOD
  | # online_gd gamma=5.0d-7 alpha=0.25d0
  | # (2) BFGS
  | # METHOD
  | # bfgs
  | # (3) Levenberg-Marquardt
  | # METHOD
  | # lm batchsize=1000 learnrate=0.1 iter=1 conv=0.001 adjust=10.0
  | # atom   network           hidden
  | # types  file-name         layers   nodes:activation
  | <T_1>    <path/to/net-1>     2      5:tanh  5:tanh
  | <T_2>    <path/to/net-2>     2      5:tanh  5:tanh
  | ...
  | <T_NT>   <path/to/net-NT>    2      5:tanh  5:tanh
  | # Example using different activation functions:
  | # For details see Eq. (1) in:
  | # N. Artrith and A. Urban, Comput. Mater. Sci. 114 (2016) 135-150.
  | #
  | # <T_1>    <path/to/net-1>     2      5:linear  5:linear
  | # <T_2>    <path/to/net-2>     2      5:linear  5:linear
  | # <T_1>    <path/to/net-1>     2      5:tanh    5:tanh
  | # <T_2>    <path/to/net-2>     2      5:tanh    5:tanh
  | # <T_1>    <path/to/net-1>     2      5:sigmoid 5:sigmoid
  | # <T_2>    <path/to/net-2>     2      5:twist   5:twist

6.4.4 Example input file (

  | TRAININGSET TiO2.train
  | lm batchsize=5000 learnrate=0.1d0 iter=3 conv=0.001 adjust=5.0
  | ! atom   network        hidden
  | ! types  file-name      layers  nodes:activation
  |   O       O.10t-10t.ann    2    10:twist 10:twist
  |   Ti     Ti.10t-10t.ann    2    10:twist 10:twist

7 Using ANN potentials for atomistic simulations

  It is not the aim of the *ænet* package to compete with
  well-established and feature-rich software for molecular dynamics and
  Monte-Carlo simulations, such as [`LAMMPS'], [`DL_POLY',] [`TINKER'],
  or [`ASE']. Instead, *ænet* provides a library with C and Fortran
  APIs, *ænetLib*, that can be used to extend existing software by the
  capability to evaluate ANN potentials constructed with *ænet*'s
  `train.x'.  Note that software developed in many other programming
  languages (e.g., C++, Python, and Java) can interface with C libraries
  and, hence, is compatible with *ænetLib*.

  A documentation of the *ænetLib* APIs will be included in a future
  version of this manual.  For the moment, *ænet* provides two reference
  implementations for the evaluation of structural energies and forces
  by linking agains *ænetLib*: `predict.x' is written in Fortran and
  directly uses the Fortran API, and `', which
  implements an [ASE] /calculator/ in Python.  In addition, an example
  Python script for performing simple molecular dynamics simulations
  with ASE, `', is included in the *ænet* package.






7.1 Prediction of structural energies and atomic forces with `predict.x'

  `predict.x' expects a principal input file (named "" in the
  example below) and one or more atomic structure files in the XSF
  format.  The path(s) to the structure files may either be specified in
  the input file for batch processing, or directly on the command
  line. The tool is run from the command line with:

  `$ predict.x [<structure1.xsf> ...]'

  All output will be written to standard out.

  The format and keywords of the principal input file are described in
  the following.

7.1.1 Alphabetic list of keywords

  All keywords are case insensitive and independent of the order.  Blank
  lines and lines starting with `!', `#', or `%' are ignored.

  `debug' (optional): Activate debugging mode; additional output files
                      will be created.
  `files' (optional): Specifies a list of paths to input structures.  This
                      keyword may be used for batch processing of a larger
                      number of structures.  The line following the
                      keyword contains the number of input files `<NF>',
                      and each of the following `<NF>' lines contains a
                      single file system path.  Alternatively, a single
                      input structure may be passed to `predict.x' as
                      command line argument.  The command line takes
                      precedence over the list specified with the "files"
  `forces' (optional): Activates evaluation of the atomic forces.  Forces
                       are also calculated, when the "relax" keyword is
  `networks' (required): Specifies the ANN potential files for each
                         chemical species.  On each of the `<NT>' lines
                         following the keyword a chemical species `<T_i>'
                         and the path to its corresponding ANN file is
  `relax' (optional): Activate structural relaxation; this will
                      automatically also activate the calculation of the
                      atomic forces.  On the line following the `relax'
                      keyword, several options can be specified.  See the
                      example below.
  `timing' (optional): Activate timing; additional output files will be
  `types' (required): Specifies the number of different atomic species
                      that may occur in structures and their chemical
                      symbols.  The first line following the keyword
                      specifies the number `<NT>' of different atom types;
                      the following lines each contain one chemical symbol

7.1.2 Input file template (

  | <NT>
  | <T_1>
  | <T_2>
  | ...
  | <T_NT>
  | <T_1>  <path/to/NN-1>
  | <T_2>  <path/to/NN-2>
  | ...
  | <T_NT> <path/to/NN-NT>
  | # or optimize coordinates:
  | #
  | # RELAX
  | # method=bfgs  F_conv=1.0d-2  E_conv=1.0d-6  steps=99
  | #
  | #    method: optimization method (currently only BFGS)
  | #    F_conv: convergence thershold for the forces
  | #    E_conv: convergence threshold for the energy
  | #    steps:  max. number of iterations
  | <NF>
  | <path/to/structure-1.xsf>
  | <path/to/structure-2.xsf>
  | ...
  | <path/to/structure-NF.xsf>

7.1.3 Input file example ( for TiO_{2}

  | 2
  | Ti
  | O
  |   Ti Ti.10tw-10tw.ann
  |   O  O.10tw-10tw.ann
  | 10
  | structure0001.xsf
  | structure0002.xsf
  | structure0003.xsf
  | structure0004.xsf
  | structure0005.xsf
  | structure0006.xsf
  | structure0007.xsf
  | structure0008.xsf
  | structure0009.xsf
  | structure0010.xsf

7.2 ASE Interface: `' and `'

  The [/Atomic Simulation Environment/ (ASE)] is a Python framework for
  atomistic simulations and for the manipulation of atomic structures.
  ASE provides a simple API, /calculators/, for interfacing with
  third-party software for the evaluation of structural energies and
  atomic forces.  The *ænet* package includes an implementation of an
  ASE calculator linked to *ænetLib*.  The script `'
  uses this calculator to essentially replicate the features of
  `predict.x' (see above), and `' provides simple molecular
  dynamics capabilities.

  The input files for both Python scripts use the [JSON] format and are
  compatible.  Any structure format supported by [ASE] can be used as
  input, however, as of writing, the support of the XSF structure format
  in ASE is incomplete and other formats (e.g., VASP's POSCAR format,
  FHI-aims format, XYZ, etc.) are recommended.

  [/Atomic Simulation Environment/ (ASE)]



7.2.1 Alphabetic list of keywords

  The input files of `' and `' both use the
  [JSON] format.  Keywords that are specific to one tool are ignored by
  the other.

  `potentials' (required): Specifies the ANN potentials for all atomic
  `structure_file' (MD only): Path to the file with the initial structure.
                              Every structure format that is understood by
                              ASE can be used.
  `trajectory_file' (MD only): Path to the trajectory file (in ASE's
                               format) to be generated during the MD
  `temperature' (MD only): Temperatur for MD simulations in the canonical
  `md_steps' (MD only): Number of MD steps.
  `print_steps' (MD only): Number of MD steps between writing output.
  `time_step' (MD only): MD time step in femtoseconds.


7.2.2 Input file template (input.json)

  | {
  |     "potentials" : {
  |         <T1> : <potential1>,
  |         <T2> : <potential2>,
  |         ...
  |     },
  |     "structure_file" : <initial-structure>,
  |     "trajectory_file" : <output-file>,
  |     "temperature" : <T>,
  |     "md_steps"    : <N_MD>,
  |     "time_step"   : <dt>,
  |     "print_steps" : <N_print>
  | }

7.2.3 Input file example (input.json)

  | {
  |     "potentials" : {
  |         "Ti" : "Ti.10t-10t.ann",
  |         "O"  : "O.10t-10t.ann"
  |     },
  |     "structure_file" : "input.vasp",
  |     "trajectory_file" : "md.traj",
  |     "temperature" : 300.0,
  |     "md_steps"    : 100,
  |     "time_step"   : 1.0,
  |     "print_steps" : 1
  | }

8 Acknowledgment

  This work used the [Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery
  Environment (XSEDE)], which is supported by National Science
  Foundation grant number ACI-1053575.

  [Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)]

9 Questions?

  If you run into problems with *ænet* or if you have a general
  question, please contact Dr. Nongnuch Artrith

10 Bibliography

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  `[2]' J. Behler and M. Parrinello, [/Phys. Rev. Lett./ *98* (2007)

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  `[4]' A. P. Bartók, M. C. Payne, R. Kondor, and G. Csányi,
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  `[6]' K. Levenberg, /Q. Appl. Math./ *2* (1944) 164–168.

  `[7]' D. W. Marquardt, [/SIAM J. Appl. Math./ *11* (1963) 431–441].

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