:78 Function create_function() is deprecated [8192]

working in the 'compare' tool example

Marcelo Ponce [2019-07-08 08:06:27]
working in the 'compare' tool example
diff --git a/README b/README
index 57c643d..d1cc799 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -510,10 +510,39 @@ IV.iv) Full analysis of Oxytricha trifallax

 V) comparison to MACS and Other Tools
-	--- in prep. ---
+	In order to compare RACS results vs MACS, we provide an R script that
+does that generating some visuals comparisons.
+	Please notice that this tool is still under development.
+	V.1) First start by checking that the necessary packages are installed,
+		PATHtoRACSrepo/tools/Rscript setup.R
+	V.2) Using the tool from an R session:
+	V.2-i) launch R
+	V.2-i) source the "compare.R" file
+		source("PATHtoRACSrepo/tools/compare.R")
+	V.2-ii) Now, you have a list of functions and datasets laoded ready to
+be used, including some tests cases:
+		ls()
+ [1] "comparison"     "comparison.ALL" "ibdX"           "load.data"
+ [5] "loadCheckPkg"   "macsIBD1"       "macsIBD2"       "overlap"
+ [9] "sample1"        "sample2"        "sampleIBD1"     "sampleIBD2"
+[13] "tests"          "vizDiffs"
+For instance, 'sampleIBD1/sampleIBD2' are ORF generated with RACS, while
+'macsIBD1/macsIBD2' are the results obtained with MACS2.

+	V.2-iii) Now you could use the ibdX() function to compare each of them,
+		ibdX(sampleIBD1,macsIBD1, "comparison_ibd1.pdf")

