:78 Function create_function() is deprecated [8192]

inlcuding aux e integrity fns

Marcelo Ponce [2019-06-23 17:50:40]
inlcuding aux e integrity fns
diff --git a/core/table.sh b/core/table.sh
index 32b9f0f..5fb30b9 100755
--- a/core/table.sh
+++ b/core/table.sh
@@ -18,7 +18,21 @@

-. ../auxs/auxFns.sh
+# setting preamble, detecting scripts location
+scriptsDIR=`dirname $0`
+# load auxiliary fns for integrity checks and message/error handling
+if [[ -f $scriptsDIR/auxs/auxFns.sh ]]; then
+        . $scriptsDIR/auxs/auxFns.sh --source-only;
+        echo "Error auxiliary file: " $scriptsDIR/auxs/auxFns.sh "NOT found!"
+        exit

 #### CHECKS ###########################################
 ### CHECK arguments
@@ -36,13 +50,14 @@ fi
 echo "Verifying $FILE..."
 checkFile $FILE
+FILEname=`basename $FILE`

 # 2nd argumetn - OPTIONAL: if a second argument is specified,
 # it should contain the definition of the filters and targets for the
 # ORGANISM; otherwise if there is no 2nd argument, the script will
 # assume the definitions for the Tetrahymena Thermophila provided
 # by our pipeline in the "TT_gene.id" file
-if [ " "$2 != " " ]; then ORGANISM=$2 ; else ORGANISM="auxs/TT_gene.id"; fi
+if [ " "$2 != " " ]; then ORGANISM=$2 ; else ORGANISM="$scriptsDIR/auxs/TT_gene.id"; fi

 echo "checking for organism defns in $ORGANISM"
 checkFile $ORGANISM
@@ -61,28 +76,28 @@ checkFile $ORGANISM
 ################## selection ... #####################################

 # grab scafold and genes' range
-grep $filter1 $FILE | grep $filter2 | awk '{print $1" "$4"-"$5}' > tmp0.$FILE
+grep $filter1 $FILE | grep $filter2 | awk '{print $1" "$4"-"$5}' > tmp0.$FILEname

 # grab "TTHERM", ie. *delim1*
 # grep $filter1 $FILE | grep $filter2 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="TTHERM"} {print $2}' | awk	'BEGIN{FS=";Note"} {print "TTHERM"$1}' > tmp1.$FILE
-grep $filter1 $FILE | grep $filter2 | awk  -v d1="$delim1" 'BEGIN{FS=d1} {print $2}' | awk -v d1="$delim1" -v d2="$delim2" 'BEGIN{FS=d2} {print d1$1}' > tmp1.$FILE
+grep $filter1 $FILE | grep $filter2 | awk  -v d1="$delim1" 'BEGIN{FS=d1} {print $2}' | awk -v d1="$delim1" -v d2="$delim2" 'BEGIN{FS=d2} {print d1$1}' > tmp1.$FILEname

 # grab 'Note' and replace 'spaces' with 'underscores (_)'
 #grep $filter1 $FILE | grep $filter2 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="Note="} {print "Note="$2}' | sed 's/ /_/g' > tmp2.$FILE
-grep $filter1 $FILE | grep $filter2 | awk -v d3="$delim3" 'BEGIN{FS=d3} {print d3$2}' | sed 's/ /_/g' > tmp2.$FILE
+grep $filter1 $FILE | grep $filter2 | awk -v d3="$delim3" 'BEGIN{FS=d3} {print d3$2}' | sed 's/ /_/g' > tmp2.$FILEname

 # compute gene size
-grep $filter1 $FILE | grep $filter2 | awk '{print $5-$4+1}' > tmp3.$FILE
+grep $filter1 $FILE | grep $filter2 | awk '{print $5-$4+1}' > tmp3.$FILEname


 # join sliced data (tmp.files) to generate a combined table
 #paste tmp0 tmp1 tmp2 tmp3
-paste tmp0.$FILE tmp1.$FILE tmp2.$FILE tmp3.$FILE | sort  -k 1 | sort -t: -n -k 2  | awk '{print $1":"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6}' > table.$FILE
+paste tmp0.$FILEname tmp1.$FILEname tmp2.$FILEname tmp3.$FILEname | sort  -k 1 | sort -t: -n -k 2  | awk '{print $1":"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6}' > table.$FILEname

 # cleanup: remove temporary files...
 #rm tmp0 tmp1 tmp2 tmp3
-rm -v tmp?.$FILE
+rm -v tmp?.$FILEname
