adding a LOG-fn to log output, also setting the WORKINGdir using absolute paths to account for relative references to it from the command line args

Author Marcelo Ponce <>
Author date 2019-07-20 20:16:32
Author local date 2019-07-20 16:16:32 -0400
Committer Marcelo Ponce <>
Committer date 2019-07-20 20:16:32
Committer local date 2019-07-20 16:16:32 -0400
Commit 8789152d82a33c26fec0033521099cb5da316f7a
Tree d92a2cb515441dc77ce9c715b5d6f5906d8c6347
Parent a0674cd9bda0404582480070cc7889ac1f2f166f
adding a LOG-fn to log output, also setting the WORKINGdir using absolute paths to account for relative references to it from the command line args
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