wrapping lines in the citations section of the README file

Author Marcelo Ponce <mponce@scinet.utoronto.ca>
Author date 2019-06-22 20:22:44
Author local date 2019-06-22 16:22:44 -0400
Committer Marcelo Ponce <mponce@scinet.utoronto.ca>
Committer date 2019-06-22 20:22:44
Committer local date 2019-06-22 16:22:44 -0400
Commit 157f4debe5475903e09709f49602b539c4dd6a6a
Tree e040028df5cc4dec3b56106a47f2cf7e8ab9c24e
Parent da076b9bc859e17e0c9cd10e60a0d3724373c74c
wrapping lines in the citations section of the README file
Affected files: